Take control of your life!
Seize the Moment! Accelerate growth!

April 26th & 27th, 2025
Join us LIVE or Online!


Don’t leave your life to chance

What if you could, in one weekend, set yourself up for a life that brings you a deep sense of aliveness, love, gratitude, success, and security? How amazing would that be?

Would you take two gratifying days just for you, to explore who you are, and what you want so you can unfold the best version of yourself? 

Living a great life is not a question of luck or needing super powers: A great life is created on a solid foundation based on common sense principles. Each one of us, if we are determined enough, can change the course of our life and make it as successful, joyful and fulfilling as we want it to be!

The only difference between someone who lives an ordinary life and extraordinary one, is their ability to get into action on what matters specifically to them: Are you clear on what that is for you? 

Once you do the Extreme Freedom retreat you gain more control of your life because you are not letting the external world dictate how to use your time, what ‘should’ make you happy because YOU know deep down what is best for you. You have clarity and less overwhelm. 

Because you worry less, you have more time and energy to focus on what matters most which brings you success and happiness: It’s a no nonsense approach to life that brings simplicity and ease.

About Me

I love leading this retreat because I know the transformative power of its principles: They completely changed my life in 1989, shifting me from frustration to inspiration. The knowledge gained was so powerful that it led me to leave my fulfilling career as a holistic chiropractor in 2003 to experience the joy of helping others unlock their highest potential.

I grew up in very challenging situations, and made my way into a great life: my knowledge is not based on ‘good ideas’ but on having lived these principles for a very long time!  I have guided thousands of participants through this retreat since 1992: I know how to guide you into creating your own version of ‘heaven on earth’. No matter your situation, whether you just want to add more joy in your life or end the cycles keeping you trapped in frustration, I know that I can help you get what you want. 

I am blessed to be part of the Transformational Leadership Council which is an exclusive group of internationally renowned leaders in the field of transformation. My third book “Unstuck” which I am co-authoring with Jack Canfield is scheduled to be published next year. I love my life which is filled with love and meaning, great adventures, athletic achievements, growth and gratitude.

I am here to assist you in achieving your deepest desires, regardless of the challenges you may have faced or are currently facing in your life. I want you to know that you have the power to make a decision, today, that can transform your life into something that makes you feel alive, successful, loved and loving!

Here is what you’ll get from participating in the life changing Extreme Freedom Weekend

Learn a powerful life philosophy that will transform your entire beingness.

Discover the power of gratitude, not as a concept, but as a transformative experience

Dive deep into self-exploration and uncover what truly makes you, YOU, and happy.

Release the weight of painful experiences that have been holding you back.

Gain clarity on your purpose, your reason for being here

Create an inspired plan to live the best version of you.

Receive my individual guidance and support

Get the Extreme Freedom workbook to continue your journey beyond the retreat.


  • Letting go of the anxiety and frustration of feeling stuck in a life that does not appeal to you anymore 
  • Waking up with energy and inner peace because you know that you are on the right path
  • Feeling more confident because you have access to a tool that allows you to face challenges and gain courage whenever needed

 This is what awaits you from doing the Extreme Freedom Weekend.

Don’t let your past history dictate your life. Instead, invest your time and energy in something that will make you feel inspired, happy, and energized. You deserve to have it all!

But don’t just take my word for it. Here’s what some of our previous participants had to say:

What others are saying about the program

The things that I experienced in this seminar truly opened my heart. I now feel the reality of being a part of the beautiful circle of human beings. I truly saw myself in others. I have a whole new gratitude for what I once thought were negative things. I can see the good in all things and my fear is lessened with every collapse. You have to put your heart and soul into this teaching but it is worth it. Lise has had a profound effect on my life.

Catherine L.

I am so grateful for Dr. Lise and for being able to participate in this weekend experience. This is my 6th time doing this workshop and every time I do it, I feel even more connected to my heart and living a life I am so in love with. Dr. Lise walks her talk and this experience is truly life-changing.

Andrea Parker

The seminar content and intensity was unexpected.  I was challenged to look at myself from perspectives I had not considered.

Kevin B.

If you’re looking for several “a-ha” moments in 2 short days where you will be challenged, supported and loved throughout the entire process, take this workshop!

Irene C.

Worth it.  Do it. Don’t think twice about it.  It will challenge you no matter what ‘level’ you are at. You may not know or understand why you are drawn to it, but you will find out.

Natalie M.

Don’t leave your life to chance any longer! Join us for two days that will change your life!

Register now

for the Extreme Freedom Weekend on April 26th & 27th, 2025.

This retreat is not just another generic self-help seminar. It’s a personalized experience that’s tailored to your unique needs and goals. You’ll be guided by me and surrounded by like-minded inspiring individuals seeking to live their best lives.

** Cost stopping you from joining the workshop?
Call the office at 1-416-782-2377, and we can sort out a payment plan that works for you **


  • If you could change your perspective on life by having access to a powerful transformational method?
  • If by using this method, you were able to transform and control your reactions to your difficult past, and as a result, everything you foresee about your future and therefore change your destiny?
  • how much inner peace you would experience if you were crystal clear about the meaning of your life, what you are supposed to do and had a map to get there?
  • If you used gratitude as a magnet to attract and create more of what you want in your life
  • If you felt more love for yourself & others and experienced a deep gratitude for your life, including those events you perceived as “bad”

All of us, from our first breath to our last, want to love and be loved.

If you’re still on the fence, let me ask you this — What will it cost if you DON’T make this investment in yourself? Don’t let your past history dictate your life, instead invest your time and energy on things that will make you inspired, happy, and energetic about your life. How much is your life worth?

You can learn to recognize when you are making decisions from the wise voice of your heart instead of your subconscious programming that often gets in the way of living your full potential, whether it be in love, finances, career, weight, health and overall life happiness. Once you know how to do this, you make choices that are going to bring you the most success. First because they are based on what matters to you most, and also because you will be free to move faster.


I’m so tired I don’t feel like I have the time and energy to spend on a weekend away doing inner work

If you are feeling tired and exhausted it’s because your life is out of balance! You are doing too much of the things that are not necessary for your success and happiness and too little of the things that matters to you! By investing 2 days in yourself you will gain back control, feel you have more time for yourself just to be. It’s an investment that pays off really quickly. If you don’t take this time for yourself, in a year from now you will still be exhausted. If you do the retreat, in a year from now, your life will have transformed itself into more joy, inner peace and vitality.

I don’t have the money right now, I’ll wait when I have more

By doing the Extreme Freedom retreat you will gain more self confidence and self worth. This in turn gets reflected in how you create and manage your finances. Many people will find money to go on a trip to try to escape their reality just to get back home to the same frustrating life: How much are you spending on things, activities and people just to try to make yourself feel better that don’t work?

We can help you with a payment schedule if you need one: my goal is to help you organize your life so well that you will end up with much more money at the end of the year than if you did not do the Extreme Freedom retreat.

I’m not comfortable sharing in groups

You don’t need to worry, this is not group therapy! You can share as much or as little as you want in the group. But you will feel the loving and supportive energy of the people participating, you do not need to fear. We are all in the same boat, striving for similar goals, striving to better our lives and that’s a fantastic group of people to spend time with!

Don’t leave your life to chance any longer.

Take the first step towards Extreme Freedom.You deserve to live a life that brings you joy, fulfillment, and success.

Are You Ready To Commit To Having More Love in Your Life?

February 1st & 2nd, 2025

Saturday 8:30 AM – 8:00 PM, Sunday 8:30 AM – 8 PM

So good it’s worth doing more than once!

14 + 7 =